How we can work together

Rediscover your brilliance with my online courses, group coaching programme and 1 to 1 coaching.


Relaunching Brilliantly

Next cohort September 2024

5 x 75 minute Group Coaching Sessions over 3 months

Interactive and engaging content in small group setting (max. 6 people)

Includes all workbooks and resources for each live session

Who’s it for?:

This programme is aimed at anyone who:

- Wants to make a change in their career (big or small) -

- Would love to start something new after a career break -

- Is returning to work after a break -

Throughout the process you will build your story, combining all the elements that make you brilliant.

It will focus on identifying what you want, and what you definitely don’t want from your future career. We will explore limiting beliefs and mindset shifts and look at strengths values and traits and spend time as a group working together on future planning.

You will leave feeling confident on your next steps to your career relaunch!


Bespoke Coaching Programme

3 month programme - 6 x 60 min sessions

Free discovery call

Work at your own pace

Who’s it for?:

Anyone who is at a crossroads and finding it difficult to move forward. Maybe you know you want to go back to work, but don’t know where to start. Or you are preparing to return from maternity leave and want re-work your life around your family. This 3 month in-depth client-led programme will help give you clarity, purpose and a way forward.

What it costs:



What’s Your Story

3-part course designed to identify your career strengths and what matters most to you, and shows you how to harness them to find career happiness.

Self-paced programme which can be completed at your convenience.

You can buy the course including or excluding 1 to 1 coaching.

*If you buy the course only, you have the option to add 1 to 1 coaching at a later date

What it costs:

Course Materials Only: £5

Course including 1 x 60-minute 1 to 1 session: £75

Get Your Story Straight

Step by step programme guiding you through creating or updating your CV & LinkedIn.

Here's everything you need to know before you sign up:

- 1 x 45-minute 1 to 1 coaching session to review your CV & LinkedIn profile -
- A bundle of 2 x PDF step by step guides to get you start quickly and easily -
- A set of supporting documents -
- 1 x 45-minuite 1 to 1 coaching session to make the final refinements, ready to land your dream job -
 - Access to support and feedback throughout the programme to keep you on track -

It is a self-paced programme, which you can complete as quickly (or as leisurely) as you wish and the 1 to 1 coaching sessions are scheduled at your convenience.



5 Steps to Kick Start Your Career Change

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Identifying your Values

How to Write a Brilliant CV

NEW How to be Brilliant on LinkedIn