4 simple ways to re-evaluate your career

Are you feeling a bit lost with your career, or perhaps over time it has become less aligned with your overall values or aims? You might even be coming back from a break and need to re-assess your needs and wants from your career.  Any of these can leave you wondering which way next?

Below are a set of simple steps you can take to help you re-evaluate what you want, what you bring and what action you can take.

Think about a time you’ve been at your absolute best

Zero in on the elements that made it so brilliant.  Was it the role, the team, your manager, the company values/ethos, or a combination of a few of these? Now think about how you can incorporate some of these elements back into your career – can you do that now, or is it something you need to work towards in the future? If so, when will that be and what steps do you need to take to get there? What small step can you take to start this progression in the right direction?

Identify your strengths

What are the things you are naturally good at? Make a list of these.  Then think about how others you know and work with would describe you. Add this to your list.  If you can actually ask people, all the better.  Finally, take a moment to think about your behaviours – what sort of tasks do you gravitate towards doing, and which ones do you avoid.  This can tell you a lot about where your natural strengths lie.

Take a deeper look

If you want some deeper insight, you can carry out an exercise called The Career Lifeline.  It guides you through a review of your career to date, to help you identify themes and patterns in the times when you had your highest (and also lowest) career satisfaction.  This can help you de-code what you strive to find more of in your career in the future.

You can download the FREE worksheet on my website here.

Find others to talk to

How you do this will be completely down to the individual.  Firstly, do you know anyone (a friend or a trusted colleague) who is in the same position as you? Sharing thoughts and ideas between you can help inspire action. 

Perhaps you have people in your network who are doing something you would LOVE to do.  Can you connect with them and have a conversation to find out more about what they do and the route they took to get there?

Maybe you need something more structured.  I created Brilliant Me Coaching as a way to support people as they re-evaluate their career.  I offer a breadth of services to try to keep support as accessible as possible.  The ways you can work with me right now are:

  • 1 to 1 client led coaching  - find out more here

  • Group Coaching – my online group programme aimed at anyone wanting to make a change in their career is runs every February and September – find out more here

  • FREE 60-minute workshops running is September – book your place here

Or just contact me for a no obligation chat.


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