Maternity Coaching

Designed to support you through your maternity transition every step of the way.

Maternity Coaching Package

How I support you.

The standard maternity coaching package* I offer is designed to partner with you right from before you start your maternity leave until after you have transitioned back in to your role.

What does this look like?

  • 5 x 60-minute 1 to 1 coaching sessions

  • 2 x 30-minute ad hoc calls

  • Ongoing support via email for the duration of your coaching

What are the benefits?

  • Support in navigating the juggle of work and home

  • A non-judgemental and confidential space to explore your career next steps and aspirations on your return to work

  • An opportunity to prepare and plan for your return and reconnect with your professional identity ensuring a confident and successful transition back to work

What’s the investment?

The standard maternity package is £750

*Contact me to find out more about shorter or longer packages

Would you like help requesting funding from your organisation?

Download an easily adaptable email template here.